Saturday, July 28, 2012

裏山ブッシュクラフト - #09 フィギュア・フォー (#09 figure Four)


今回挑戦したのはフギュア・フォー(figure four)と呼ばれる落下式の罠です。今まで、作り方の練習はしたことがあったのですが、実際に使ったことはありませんでした。



I got chance to practice trapping against mouse. So decided of trying figure four dead drop trap. I have practiced how to construct few times before, but never had chance of utilizing it on real trapping.

In over all, this was a great chance to understand how difficult to trap something. it is very easy to make trap, but to get something is a totally different skill.
need to find the existence of animal, find the best trapping spot, set it up correctly,  and yet, that might not be enough to catch some.

so, how did I do on the end?? Will see it in the video...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Follow up of Pukala trip

Last weekend, me and Weekedn Woodsman had great time spend on day trip at Pukala recreational forest. I knew the weekend woodsman can tell the story of it really well, so I did only made post about it in Japanese.

If you would like to read the story in English, go check out the blog Weekend Woodsman.

The trip was real fun and relaxing. we have talked about many different topics, from bushcraft to personal life. But there was something from the trip, we needed to look up and have exchanges few emails...

It was about the wild edible. Weekend Woodsman has shown me the plant Epilobium angustifolium, commonly known as Fireweed. The leaf of this plant is edible and that I knew. But the problem was that from the pictures on books and so on, I did not got the clear difference, or how to ID correctly, which is the "Fireweed" or "Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus)".  

So, I have asked him a question, "was't there a poisonous one looks just like Fireweed?" while he was chewing the leaf he just picked from Fireweed.

He got worried....

I guess I owe him an apology... I did not mean to, just I did not remember the name of plant. all I remember was that those are similar in looks.

On the end, those could be looks similar, but if get closer and look at, those are nothing alike.
leaf are different, the size of the plant, the only similarity was the color of flower and how it arranged.

How ever, I thought this was a good example of the case of "really should look and examine the real plant on hand before speak or try". Books and so on will provide the initial information, but in my opinion, nothing will teach better than real subject on hand.

It was the moment, the knowledge and experience came together to form a skill....

thanks to Weekend Woodsman for helping me getting the correct information and sorry about the confusion and worries I caused!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Weekend Woodsmanとデイ・トリップ@プカラ


今回はブログThe Weekend Woodsmanの管理人と共にデイトリップ。トレッカー用の駐車スペースで落ち合い出発です。



Laavuに到着し、まずは 炊き込みご飯のおにぎりで腹ごしらえ。今回の食事は全てアウトドアー向け和食です。








トン汁を食すWeekend Woodsman。





Weekend Woodsmanと彼のフィッシングキット
腰の物はIlkka Seikkuが打ったコンシールドタングのプーッコ



Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Makiri-Neck Knife - マキリ・ネックナイフ

Some time ago, I have posted about this knife project. it is made for Perkunas, the writer of the blog "Perkele´s Blog".
I have finished the knife and handed to him about month ago, and now I decided to publish it on my blog as well.


It looks little different from mock up, but I think I still capture the Makiri look... or What doyou think?


Blade thickness(刃厚): 5.6mm
Blade length(刃渡り): 63mm
Tang Length(タング長): 75mm
Total length(全長): 14.9mm

Handle and Sheath(ハンドルとシース);
Orapihlajat, cow horn, leather spacer and leather cord

Saturday, July 14, 2012

裏山ブッシュクラフト - #08 紐 (#08 Cordage)

This time I am making cordage from naturally available material from woods or forest. there are many different materials in the nature which could be used for making cordage and some of them are very strong, some of them are just enough for quick use. so I think it is important to know the options so can find something to be used as cordage.

今回は自然界で手に入る材料を使って紐を作ります。 簡易的な使い方の物から、本格的に丈夫な紐まで、その材料になる物と作り方の紹介です。



Thursday, July 5, 2012

I think I have stepped on the jackPOT

well... OK, it is not really a jackpot, since I wasn't looking for it. But it is something you do not come across usually.

if you are in to forest walking and so, quite often come across something  pleasant, exciting, surprising or sometimes, unpleasant. This was one of those cases of surprising and unpleasant.

On Tuesday evening, I have decided to go for a long dog walk in the forest I often use for my video shootings so, I took my camera and dogs there. I have noticed that the area right before the forest starts, have variety of natural cordage materials. so have decided not going in to forest but stay there to look around and re-take the cordage making video...

While I was at it, I have found human track leading in to thick bush of birch saplings. I got curious, so followed. 

After about several meters of pushing through bush, suddenly came out to tiny opening with very soft ground. I have realized the oddness of that spot. The ground was once dug out recently??? no! it was replaced with gardening soil. Once i realized that, did not take much time for me to see  what is wrong of this spot.

It seems someone has planted something they do not want to be found.....

and here is the close up shot...

this does look very much like that famous illegal herb to me... or am i wrong? I hope I am wrong and this is a hemp, the legal plant....
it is the place I really like and go often for dog walk and bushcraft activities. my biggest concern is that I might run in to not nice people who planted these.. that is gonna be very unpleasant......

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Small Wood work - チョコット木工

just some wood work done over the time...
All of them are made only with puukko and crooked knife (spoon knife), no sand paper, no machines.


From right side 写真右より: 
butter-knife (Spruce) / バターナイフ (スプルース)
Rice spoon (Spruce) / しゃもじ (スプルース)
Chopsticks (Spruce) / 箸 (スプルース)
Spoon (Juniper) / スプーン (ネズ)
fork (Juniper) / フォーク (ネズ)