Monday, May 30, 2011

肥後守式小刀・Flriction Folder

Now that I think back, the last time I held my forging hammer was almost half year ago.
The reason was that if I pull out my forging sets and start the forging, I would need at least half day to one day of work time. And that was quite difficult get these days.
So, I thought fixing some easy gas forge might give some solution.
I should have sufficient material to make this set up, so went to garage and piled up the firebrick and lit the hand gas torch. To test this set up, I have heated up a old metal file… seems to be able to bring to transformation temperature so started to forge.
It is not possible to brig it to forging temperature, so cutout the rough shape with grinder, then shape it with hammer. It is good enough for making small items.
I never have used the spring steel, so to see how it works as a blade material, I hammered a spring wire as well.

This time, I have forged these. From the old file, blade for a friction folder and from spring wire, arrow tip for a blowgun darts.

I have not heat-treated these yet because I need to fit the blade to handle first. After tempering, it will be very difficult to make adjustment and make pivot hole to it.
the most symple constraction among the folder knife, yet takes lots more work than one fixed blade...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Angry bird...

On the other day, when I was walking in the woods, I have noticed that there are many quite disturbed trees. Most of them are just bark peeled off like this.

It is the work of woodpecker (I think… cant think of any other) and quite often you see these. But on this area, it was just lots of trees affected by it.

As I continued the path, I came across this

The work of art? or what can I say… first I could not figure out what exactly is…

I think this is also the handy work (or should I say “beak work”) of woodpecker?
I just haven’t seen anything like this big. Also I have noticed that very close to the ground was carved. The bird like this usually does not like to spend long time close to the ground, so made me wonder, “Is this really by woodpecker? Or was it just really angry (hungry) bird?”

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Greenland wax test on poncho tarp – グリーンランドワックステスト

Yesterday morning, when I was leaving home to work, the sky looked like gonna be heavy raining. So, I quickly pitched up my poncho tarp, which waxed with Greenland wax, to see if really stands against the rain.
This is how it looked in the morning. Partially dark, because of the wax, not wet.
and here is after 8h of under raining.
Till I get home it was raining and on about middle of the day, there was quite heavy raining. On out side, it looks like partially soaked wet, but if you look inside, it is not.
It only wet surface and the water did not penetrate the fabric. Checking inside, I could feel slight moist on fabric, but mostly completely dry. Also, after the rain stopped, the sun came up and the tarp fabric got completely dried up in 3h.
So, I would say, this Greenland wax totally works on canvas tarp I have, and now I am more confident on using this shelter system on real action.

Monday, May 23, 2011

1 spark 10min Tinder bundle ・松脂ティンダーバンドル

Other day, when I was walking woods, I have found large chunk of pine resin on tree. It is quite easy to spot this sort while on walk and if I have chance, I try to collect them, coz it is very useful to have for fire making and all kinds of crafts I do.
bur there is a issue when I need to correct it. If I have some container, then fine, but most of the time, I do not have. And if I stick the resin in my pocket… well you know what is going to happen. So here is the solution: wrapping it in “Old men’s beard” (Usnea).
見つけるたびに採集するわけだが、一つ問題が有る。ポリ袋などの入れ物を持っていれば問題は無いのだが、そんな物いつも持ち歩いているわけではない。そこで考え付いたのが、霧藻 (サルオガセ)で包む。こうすればポケットに入れても松脂でベトベトになることは無い。

And when need to use it for making fire, just open it a bit, and simply strike the fire steel to it.  It will take spark in 1 or 2 strikes and before Old men’s beard burns out, the resin ignites. Once the resin starts to burn, then it will keep burning for quite long time with strong heat.

The advantage of this bundle is that the materials are very easy to find and does not requite effort to collect it. Especially comparing to the work you need to put in to get fat wood, there is not work required to make this bundle, and works as good as fatwood.

Friday, May 20, 2011

皆様、ありがとうございます!Thank you very much to all of you!

I haven’t been checking the traffic analysis lately, but suddenly came to my mind so opened the Google Analytics page. And have realized that 6 months have passed since my first article upload on this blog.

and so wanted to see the visitor count….

訪問数 / Visitor count :  4,220

そして  AND

ユニーク ユーザー数 / Unique Visitor count 1,993

ぇえ?? いつの間にか1000を思いっきり超えてる!!そしてリピーター率が53.08%、半分以上!これはとてもうれしいことです。
What!?! It is counting way over 1000! And 53.08% of repeating visitors!
This is really something of a BIG deal to me. So, I would like to say:


"Thank you all! I really appreciate your support. I will do my best to keep up what I do here and hope you continue enjoy visiting!"


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Waxing done and so the axe restoration.

Well last night, I finally finished the waxing of my poncho tarp and restoration of new/old axe.

The left side is the un-waxed (as purchased condition) sheet and the right side is the one I just finish putting 2 coats of Greenland wax.
Can you see that it got darker? Also repels water much better. I have tested by shooting the water with water spray, adjusted to shoot tight line of pressured water, directory to tarp from close range.  One without wax, water repels but surface gets soaked. One with the wax, totally repels and all sprayed water just rolls down. So now this tarp should hold even in pouring rain.

And the axe restoration…
Well this took really lots of time and work, since the firs helve I have fitted to this head has broken on first 3 swings… so this time, I took my time to carefully check the grain of wood and no to use uncertain part. 
There is bit of knots on the bottom, but that should not have any effect on strength, coz that part should not get that much of stress.

Now, I should take this to chopping test. If works good, this might become my choice of carry.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

フェールラーベン―グリーンランドワックス(Fjällräven - Greenland wax)

I have been thinking of waxing this Fjällräven trouser for some time now, but some how was lazy doing it. However, now the weather is getting warmer and expect rain, I finally decided to do the waxing.

G-1000ポリコットン素材のこのズボン、フェールラーベンの衣類は、レイミアーズも頻繁に使っている様なのでずっと気になっていたのだが、先月ついに購入! 事あるご



It is G-1000 garment and this is my first Fjällräven trouser. I hve got this one few month back, and been using it since then… it is a wonderful trouser. Very functional, strong, comfortable and well water repel. But I wanted extra water repel on bottom and butt part of  this trouser.


The wax I have used is Greenland wax. It is not quick and easy way, but sure this thing works. And the nice thing about this wax is that you have full control of add or remove and partially or entirely.

since I am at it, I decided on waxing my poncho tarp.


I am planning on waxing this 2 - 3 layers, but let’s see... waxing this size is not easy job at all… 1 tip on using this wax. If you are waxing a item, which has lots of seams and pockets, like trousers, then use hair dryer to melt the wax. If you are waxing large flat, like tarp, then iron. It makes the work easier.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This one totally opened up new perspective!

Yesterday, I was going through YouTube contents for trying to find better way to wrap my self in wool blanket and different ways of packing bed roll. While I was at it, YouTube auto-recommendation gave me a link to “Wool blanket backpack” from NorCalBushcraft.
First I just thought that “it is a clever way of packing”. And he was also using same blanket I have. So I tried it myself as well…

Man!! This is not just a “clever” way, it really is INGENIOUSE!! Other day I was thinking of how to get padding on my shoulder strap. Because even I got wide strap, I was not confident that I can carry it for long walking. Also the stability of pack was not great.
By using blanket as shoulder strap, it gives more stability and comfort to shoulder. As you can see from picture, now I can mount the black shoulder bag as well.
Though I have changed my version a little from the original. The original one has only 1 point on bottom of the pack to connect the shoulder part. I have tried it that way firs, but did not work good for me. It blocks the blood stream of side of my body and that makes arm numbness. So I have attach the carabineers on lower both side of the pack to widen the bottom connection.
I still need to figure out better knots and strap adjustment methods, but this is definitely the way to go!

Monday, May 9, 2011

New gadgets came in! – 新入りのお道具。

On weekends, I have got new gadgets to put in to my new packing system.

The first item is Italian army surplus 100%wool blanket. It is really stubby, but surprisingly not itchy. The size is 210 x 140cm and really nice, but the biggest problem with this is the anti moth small. I have let it breeze out for 2 days, but still smelling strong. This one goes to my bedroll.
 The second item is Swedish army mess kit (aluminium model). I have found this one on flea market for 10euro. Totally in good condition, doesn’t look like been used much.
I will replace the 1L stainless mug cup to this one. While on camping, I am not that in to instant food cooking, and do need some level of cooking capacity on pots and things. I am sure this will be a great addition to my kit. However, when was the last time I have used the mess kit.

Then the next one is fire steel. Yes, it is again the Light My fire Fire steel but this time, it is “Fire steel 2.0”!!!
 So what is the difference?

 Here is the old model next to new model. The steel size is exactly the same, but the handle design is different on both steel and striker.

But the biggest difference is the striker handle. If you look at closer, it has a new function on it! Yes, it works as emergency signaling whistle. And it makes really loud sound.

Now, all I need has lined up, so packed them all together.
It packs quite good, and notice that I have figured out the bedroll carrying system. I have attached the shoulder strap from my old bag. It feels OK, I just need to try walking with it some distance some time to try out.

I have also tried out several ways to put up the 2 sheets poncho tent on my yard.

The pyramid figure with and without center pole. This is most cozy and warm, but cant stretch your leg…
これが一番居心地良く暖かいのだが、 寝る時に足が伸ばせない→ちょっとキツイ。

This is the basic A frame config. As you can see, it gives very large space under the roof. The ground sheet in the picture is about 2m, so it really is enough. Just both sides are completely open, so it will not hold the heat in.

The last one is a shifted version of A frame. It gives nice openness and makes really nice space to hang around. Under the favorable weather, this might do just fine like this and if the weather turns, I can quickly put back to A frame.
最後の写真のものは Aフレームの変形型。オープンな空間を作り出し、マッタリと過ごすのに良さそう。天気が良ければこのまま寝てしまっても良いだろうし、天気が崩れてきたらAフレームに簡単に戻せる。

Well... now I got all this set up. I should find some time to get out and try out this new set for real.

Thursday, May 5, 2011






ラビットスティック>ベア・グリルスも番組中でこれを使って、見事にウサギを捕らえた。威力はあるし飛び道具だが、ちょっと面白味に欠ける。作るのも簡単すぎ。 (狩猟用ブーメランはこれの発展形)
槍>狩猟道具、飛び道具としてはちょと・・・ 外したら終わり・・・面白味にも欠ける。
スイスアロー>この名前はちょっとマイナーかな?長い矢を紐や木で作った投具を使って投げる。簡単に作れるし精度も有る程度有る。が、好みではない。(詳しくはSwiss Arrowで検索してみてね!)


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The selection - 選択

So last night, I have quickly put together the new selection of my equipments to carry. I thought the Minipack I have is the good base to start, so starting from adding the things that are missing for over night stay.
Incase you have not see my previouse post about putting minipack, here are the links to those!!

After the selection, this is what I got left.

It is not final, but I think it is a start, and I think I am on the good direction.
1) blanket + tarp ブランケット+タープ
2) Axe, SAK, Puukko, saw, pocket sharpener 斧、SAK、プーッコ、ノコギリ、砥石
3) kukusa + telescope ククサ+望遠鏡
4) para code 30m パラコード30m
5) Canvas bag, Navigation set, felt hat キャンバス製の鞄、地図+コンパス、フェルト・ハット
6) Woodgas stove + 1L cup + 1L alumium bottol ウッドガスストーブ+1㍑カップ+1㍑アルミボトル
7) Damp pauch ダンプポーチ
8) Food bag + Food 食料袋+食料
9) Fir stating kit /survival kit 救急セット・サヴァイヴァルセット
10) Fire starter kit 火打ち袋
11) Fishing kit つり道具
12) Poncho ポンチョ
Not in picture: 写真に無いもの
Japanese washcloth, mosquito head net. 手ぬぐい、モスキートネット。

and here is how it packed.
my plan was to make shelter + bracket + stove+ food into Hudson-bay pack, but I need to work on that… I could not find the satisfying way to tie it up yet.
When packed, I have noticed few things.
>I do not need Woodgas stove, coz I only need that when I go to the location where open fire is not allowed.
>I need better “Wool” blanket.
>Need to think about the food. It needs to be high carbohydrate, heavy (to stomach), easy to clean, does not require multiple cookware.
> Need (want) Walking stick.

I think, I will play around with this setting little while to see what comes up.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I need to think about this!! – ちょっと見直し。

Lately, I am giving thought about “What makes the bushcrafter’s pack different from others’?”. Well yes, I know the gear you carry does not make you a bushcrafter but the things you do does. But on the other hand, the things you do should reflect the gear you carry.

 So I have piled up the gear I use/have and took moment to have good look at them…

This was the set I used for last winter camping. It was a winter camping and was first time, so I put the extra and fancy (high-tech) equipments as safety margin. But still the base sat is my usual composition for night out.
…. This set does not look like bushcraft…. More like normal camping…

If it is spring to autumn season going to solo camp, I am confident that I am not going to need most of those.

So I have compared this to my Mini pack, which I use for solo day trip.
(Not!! I say solo means going alone. When I am not on solo trip, usually need to accommodate my wife’s or friend’s comfort. So the equipment I carry increases accordingly.)

This is the base set of my mini pack. Adding food to this will make complete set for a day trip.

Based on this set, what will happen if I just add few items like:
Good wool blanket 厚手の毛布
Tarp or large poncho(s) タープかそれに類似するもの
First aide kit 救急セット
Navigation equipments 地図、コンパス
Simple food 簡単な食料

When I imagine that set, I probably can go on for few days. Of cause, I cannot say for sure that I could, till I really tried it. or am I being optimistic?
But think about it, all you need for night out in forest is covered:
Food> yes
Fire> yes
Sleep and shelter> yes
Navigation > yes
Emergency > yes
Means to carry all above> yes

The only missing part is comfort, but that where “Bushcraft” comes in… RIGHT?