Tuesday, January 17, 2012

(Part 2) ヘルシンキナイフショー2012 - Helsinki Knife Show 2012

どうやら,あの斧について興味を持った方が多いようなので、昨日に記事の続きに入る前に、Mikko Artemyevについて追加。
Mikko Artemyevロシアの鍛冶屋さんで、斧を中心に作っているようです。斧以外にも色々な伝統的な木工道具も作るようで、ドローナイフや洋式チョウナなどもハイクオリティーに作っています。彼のページは、ナイフショーのページにある出品者リストからリンクがありますのでそちらを参照してください。ロシア語のみのページで少し面倒ですが、適当にクリックしていくとギャリーが見れます。

There seems to be quite many people interested in the work of Mikko Artemyev the Russian axe maker. So before stat the today’s topic, I will post bit more about him.
He makes axes but also other traditional wood working tools like drawknife, adze and so on. All are very high quality, well-made forged tools. You can find his website from Helsinki knife show’s page. There you will find the contact info and nice gallery of his works. The page is only in Russian, but I am quite sure, you will find your way quite easily.


OK, let’s start today’s topic!
The First one is Knife.ee
I really enjoyed the presented knives from Knife.ee last year, because of its variety and so this year. Knife.ee is representing several different makers from Estonia, so naturally the table is filled with so many different styles of knives.
the primitive looking to modern looking knives. All are very interesting.

Pekka Tuominen

To be honest, I was dissapointed with his table. Their war not many presented and the one presented were not really “standing out”. But still, Pekka Tuominen’s skill quality was shining. For example, this leuku.
it is strait forward leuku. But still is different and standing out from the crowd.

And the interesting attempt. Leuku folder.

Theo Eichorn

The maker I was most interested in meeting. I have had chance of talking with him and quite long time. He is informed with many different knife / cutting tool culture and was very interesting talking with him.
Also the work of his have variety of basic traditional puukko to modern, Also may with American style or with American taste. I really like this type of wide range maker who are not afraid of stepping out from the traditional line, yet keeping the tradition. ?? << Hope this make sense…


So, this was the report of the 3rd Helsinki International Knife show. I hope you enjoyed. In my opinion, this show has become to proudly pronounce as the “No,1 knife show” in Scandinavia. The size of the show, variety, and quality of the exhibit is becoming bigger and better. I shall expect more growth for next year and looking forward to visit again. And I need to work on thicken my wallet till then…

Oh, One request or wish for the show next year… Please have more knife making material supply. I know I can get all what I need through internet, but it would be better to see / inspect the products before buying. Also talking to supplier, I (we) get more understanding of the material you have.