Spring meet up...
I am not quite sure where to start or how to tell. It was great meet up, so many activities, lots of information received and lots to process.
Unfortunately it was only 3 of forum members could have join this time for several reasons and myself was able to join only from 2nd day.
I have arrived at meeting location in early morning of day 2. Luckily, I have managed to arrive while other 2 members were still in bed. I did not miss anything on day 2.
After the morning coffee, starting the day 2 activities. First thing first… securing drinking water.
We have had spring water nearby, but for exercising purpose, made survival water filter.
Using what’s available to make water filter. 在る物を利用して濾過器を作る。 |
Once the water is secured, start improving the shelter. Reconstructing the fire pit to more thermal storable and wildfire proof. Also adding more spruce branches to make bedding more springy and insulated from ground.
The time goes fast when you are on action... the stomach clock start to beeping… time for lunch.
After filling up the energy, it is time to start the afternoon activities. First up is a Bucksaw making. I have done this several times, but no one has taught me how and the plan was to make something that lasts longer and making it proper. So we all head out to look for materials.
Work of our MAESTRO. Made one with style... マエストロの技。さっきまで森に転がっていた丸太が。。。 |
The one I made was without style, just it works. 私が作ったのは真っ直ぐそのまま。ただ使えるだけのノコギリ。 |
It was still early for dinner, so we took walk around in the forest. Following the deer highway, learning and recognizing the trace of wild life. Also took time to enjoy the beauty of nature. I love the old forest…
Night fell, but we all are still active in Kota shelter. Processing the Tinder fungus for tomorrow, talking bushcraft , hunting , jokes and about our life. And our maestro Rautasarvi has entertained us with his delicious pancake cooking.
The day 3 was short day. Starting with walk in the forest correcting breakfast and other natural resources we can utilize.
larva of Carpenter ant (Camponotus herculeanus). very tasty like milk with honey. ニシムネアカオオアリ?の幼虫。蜂蜜ミルクの様な味でとても美味。 |
Different fungi can be used as tinder. 火口に利用できる菌類色々。 |
Quartz for making sparks. 火打石に出来るクオーツ |
After learning the important acquiring skills, back to camp and time to pack up. Have last coffee brew over the left over fire and start to digest the information and memories we all got during this meet up. Start to think of what we do next time.
Shake hands with each other to acknowledge the deepened ties of campfire brotherhood…
.............................Great time well spent...............................