Thursday, June 30, 2011

JPBK-β2 (Sheath part 2 - シースその弐)

It is not progressing as fast as I want, but can’t help it, coz I am doing this part only with knife and do not want to rush.

I managed to make the opening part of the sheath (Koikuchi in Katana term) and started to glue on the sidewalls.

I could hollow out entire part like making of Katana sheath, but that will take more effort. Also for a knife, I found it not worth doing it.

The knife will sit like this in the sheath. (one side of the wall is not glued yet on this picture.)

When the knife sits in the sheath, the spine of the knife will touch the wall but not the edge. Also I am making it so that I can place the knife on both ways, left or right. So I do not need to pay attention to which way I need to put the knife in the sheath. In my opinion, this is quite important function to have it on sheath.

 I have been using puukko in outdoor for quite long time and I love it, but each time I put back the knife in the sheath, I need to look at the sheath and think which way it goes in. other thing about puukko sheath is that since it is leather, I need to watch out not to cut the sheath. Other issue I have with puukko sheath is that I need two hands to get the knife out. So the wooden sheath will have the solution to all this.

Now I am gluing the other side of the wall. Still have few steps to take before starting the cosmetic fix on this sheath. Well I am not in hurry… not yet.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

JPBK-β2 (Sheath - シース)

So the knife is sunbathing to get oil cured, I was at making of sheath.

I am going to give a wood sheath for this knife, since I really like the one I made for the beta1 knife. Using oak taken from same log as used for handle and carve out the opening to fit the part of handle. This system is used on traditional Ainu Makiri knife and I have done it on my previous knife. It works really well and will not come out accidently.
(This is from β1 - 写真はβ1の物)

However, I still need to figure out the nice way to lock the knife to the sheath. Even it is quite secure without it, you never know for sure. I have few ideas about it, just need to see if that works.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finally progressing - やっと前進 (JPBK-β2)

Finally manage to HT so progressing the constraction on this knife.

Right after HT. 熱処理後。

Sharpened and whittle out the handle material to shape, then gluing.

I like using just made knife for making handle to shape. I do this as part of testing. I have sharpened the this beta2 knife as sharp as I can shave my face, then whittle the very sasoned oak. When I finish the handle, I see no visible damage to the edge and can still shave face. This seems to be the best blade I have manage to make.

Rivet the pins and oiled.

Now it is drying

this time, I am making the handle shape little closer to Japanese chopper (Nata). See, if that works out…

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nettle - イラクサ

Last evening, when I look in to the fridge, there was good mount of lightly boiled nettle sitting. It was a left over of my wife’s nettle soup. We thought it would be pity to waste it, so I came up with this recipe the nettle omelet. 

Chop the nettle in very small and squeeze the water out very well. Lightly fry it in pan with enough butter, add bit of salt and pepper. Then take it out to some plate. Using same pan to fry lightly whipped egg, place nettle and feta cheese on center and wrap it with omelet.

This was surprisingly good. I got this idea from Greek spinach pie + rice filled omelet. Since you will need eggs, might not be suited for outdoor cooking, but for sure, is good for cooking at home and consume large mount of nettle, which grows on my back yard.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Annoying...That what it is! 苛立たしい事この上なし!

These, it is truly annoying
I have my JP-BCK project – beta 2 knife, ready to be heat-treated for past few days now. As I do not have shed to protect my forge from rain or make shade from san right, I need to work on not raining nighttime. But, every evening, when out side is dark enough, it starts to rain…

So, out of frustration, I have started to make handle already. I was thinking of using cherry, but the friction folder I made turned out quite nice, so decided to use oak again. Also I like the toughness of this material and I think it suite the knife.

Well… naturally, making the handle for the JP-BCK– beta 2 is not enough to occupy this extra time, so I have completed the Friction Puukko as well.
I could not decide if I want to set this up permanently as a neck knife or a belt knife. So, I made it so that works anyway I wish.

With this hook, I can hang it anywhere I want. Also, I have finished the leather with oil. I like this color better than leather dye and protect better from water.

Friday, June 17, 2011

肥後守プーッコ – Friction Puukko

Last night, I got some idea from knife forum discussion so, I was putting the idea in to actual shape.
Since I am calling this knife a “Friction Puukko”, I thought I will try to give a sheath as puukko sheath looking as possible.
And here is the result…

I still need to add belt loop or neck strap, also need to put little more wax and shine the edge. But more or less completed as it is. Hope other than me can see that is puukko…

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

肥後守式小刀・Flriction Folder (5)

So here comes the completed one. The original plan was to make handle simple and flat, but… as always, I make handle as it comes. The important thing is that fells nice in hand.

スペックは The spec:
 刃渡り(Blade length): 9cm
 全長 (Total length): 21cm
 刃厚 (blade thickness): 3mm
 鋼材  (Steel): ヤスリ- metal file
 ハンドル材 (Handle materials):
   真鍮ピン- Brass pin
   銅ワッシャー – Copper washer
   オーク- Oak

So, what do you think? Personally, it is quite satisfying result. Now use it a bit and if find it use full, then I think will set this up as a neck knife.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Everyman's right – 全ての人の権利 – Jokamiehenoikeudet


<In English>
I have been enjoying the beautiful Finish nature and making post on this blog for some time now, yet, I have not posted this topic.

In my humble opinion, there is nothing more important than knowing (understanding) the Finish “Everyman's right” when going out to Finish nature. On the other way of saying, without this knowledge, you really should not go out there.

Everyman's right (Jokamiehenoikeudet) is the rights granted to all man, and important Finish legal concept. And it gives everyone the chance to enjoy outdoor pursuits, and the freedom of the country’s vast forests and fells, and many lakes and rivers, with few restrictions. (* ref. the booklet of Everyman's right in Finland)

Basically it tells you what you can and cannot do while you are in Finnish nature and has been working to protect the land, landowners and outdoor enthusiasts.
It really is a commonsense, like do not disturbed others and do not destroy the nature and reassess… but this also includes how to achieve that while keeping the most important rights of all, Freedom of accessing to country’s vast forests including public access to private land.

I am not going through the content of this rights, because it is better if you read it yourself the official materials.
So here is the links to Ministry of the Environment pages.
You can read the good “in brief” from <>
Or  you can download the long version booklet from <>
I also recommend reading this for who are not coming to Finland to enjoy the nature. I think you might find that this regal concept is very interesting.

今まで、フィンランドの自然を楽しみ、その様子をこのブログで紹介してまいりました。が、フィンランドの自然を満喫する上で、一番重要なことを紹介し忘れていました。全ての人の権利 – Jokamiehenoikeudet(ヨカ・ミエヘン・オイケウデットと読みます)これを知らずにフィンランドの大自然へ立ち入るのは非常にマナー違反でしょう。極端な言い方をすれば、『立ち入る資格無し』です。





フィンランドの環境省(Ministry of the Environment)のぺージで全文が読めるので、興味のある方はぜひどうぞ!自然と楽しく付き合うためのヒントが詰まっていますので、フィンランドでアウトドアしない人にもぜひ読んでいただきたいと思います。
英語版要約→ <>
英語版Everyman's right in Finland全文PDF→<>

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hobo fishing kit - 放浪者の釣具

I have made this hobo fishing kit last autumn yet, haven’t got chance using it for real. I thought I will have chance using it last weekend, so I packed it to may bag, well…. Still I could not find the good chance to use it….

However, I have made tiny modification to it. What I have changed is how I store the fishing weights. Till now, I could not find the good solution, so was packing it in separate container. But the idea came when I was pushing the painkiller tablet out of that laminated package. “This system can be used!!” so this is my solution! Laminating the fishing weights with paper and tape.

This seems to work well and as can see from picture, it fits nicely in the box. Also it will keep the tiny weights in place. I suppose I can do same thing for the fishing hooks as well for my pocket survival kit.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

肥後守式小刀・Flriction Folder (4)

Well... making this handle was pain in the ass. The problem was that I could not get the gluing face dead flat and kept making gap. But on 3rd try, I finally got it.

Now the 2 parts are glued, so I only need to make small adjustment. Especially the rip (I do not know the correct word for the thing which is sticking out like tang.) part needs to fit in to the back line of the handle.

I should start to desagin the handle of the Japanese style bushcraft knife beta 2 as well...

Monday, June 6, 2011

肥後守式小刀、そして・・・Friction Folder and…

So I have done the heat treatment to the blade on weekend.

Since I have used the usual old file from same brand for this blade, I was not planning on doing the heat treat test. But since long time I haven’t done this, I decided to do the test on last minute and that was a good call…
Usually I use oil for this steel, but this time, doesn’t matter how I do it, it does not harden. So I gave up on oil, and tried the water quenching… that did the job.

The picture is the right after the tempering. Small blade so made it hard to achieve sharpest possible edge. Hope I did not make it too heard, coz planning on putting scandi edge on it.

Putting the edge. Made it hard but feels nice on sharpening stone. Once this is done, need check the toughness.

And, finally got time to do real forging, so one more blade. It is a long time waited Japanese style Bushcraft knife project – beta 2. I would like to make this with “Warikomi” but did not have good size iron, making it with full steel this time. The steel used is old file from Solingen. And I am looking forward to see the result of this steel.

Doesn’t look much like Japanese style? Well it is full tang and single steel, so cant help it…
However, this material was tough. After forming the blade, my arm was done. So just managed to form rough shape out of tang and will leave it for grinder.

Well, if this does not come out like Japanese style, then that still is OK.

Friday, June 3, 2011

肥後守式小刀・Flriction Folder (2)

so now it is at this stage, temporaly fitted to see how it fits.

I think so far so good..? I think I might go for the heat treatment tonight or this weekend.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Handle material? That is the question…

Originally, I was thinking of using Japanese deer antler as a handle material for this knife. But once I have set the blade shape as I please, I realized that have made it too large to fit in to the antler I have. I suppose I could fit it together so that the handle is skinner than the blade, but I do not like that type of design and after all, I want something steady and useful / usable knife. So the question, “What should I use for handle???”
Fortunately, I do have quite good mount of different types of wood corrected for this kind of needs, so started to dig in to my material box.
The first candidate came up was a bamboo. It is nice, but will end up being too thin handle. Also I did not quite like the light color. If it was smoked, then might have been real nice.
The second choice was a cherry. But this I do not have much and I have plan of using it for other project.
Then I realized that I just have split the oak log for axe helve. The grain is little boring, but is a very heard wood. This should be good enough for fiction folder.
Pick up the axe and shape it in brick shape, use template to draw the shape then whittle out the rough shape. File / sand it down to more close shape then slice it in 2 pieces.
I was thinking of making it in 1 piece handle, but since I am not putting the stopper pin, I need to make inside of the handle slit quite precise and complicated shape. To do that, I need to have it in 2 pieces handle.
I do not have the pictures of this process, but will putted on next post. Hope, the oak will please me when I am done.