So here comes the completed one. The original plan was to make handle simple and flat, but… as always, I make handle as it comes. The important thing is that fells nice in hand.
スペックは The spec:
刃渡り(Blade length): 9cm
全長 (Total length): 21cm
刃厚 (blade thickness): 3mm
鋼材 (Steel): ヤスリ- metal file
ハンドル材 (Handle materials):
真鍮ピン- Brass pin
銅ワッシャー – Copper washer
オーク- Oak
全長 (Total length): 21cm
刃厚 (blade thickness): 3mm
鋼材 (Steel): ヤスリ- metal file
ハンドル材 (Handle materials):
真鍮ピン- Brass pin
銅ワッシャー – Copper washer
オーク- Oak
So, what do you think? Personally, it is quite satisfying result. Now use it a bit and if find it use full, then I think will set this up as a neck knife.