Wednesday, June 29, 2011

JPBK-β2 (Sheath - シース)

So the knife is sunbathing to get oil cured, I was at making of sheath.

I am going to give a wood sheath for this knife, since I really like the one I made for the beta1 knife. Using oak taken from same log as used for handle and carve out the opening to fit the part of handle. This system is used on traditional Ainu Makiri knife and I have done it on my previous knife. It works really well and will not come out accidently.
(This is from β1 - 写真はβ1の物)

However, I still need to figure out the nice way to lock the knife to the sheath. Even it is quite secure without it, you never know for sure. I have few ideas about it, just need to see if that works.