EN: Goutweed
FI: Vuohenputki
JP: イワミツバ
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Open field with good sun light. moist but not dump ground. Usually seen in clustered.
Note: Strong and fast growing plant by root system. Easy to spot by flower, ID by leaves. Usually dominates the surrounding lower plants. Young leaves are edible.
LA: Achillea millefolium
EN: Yarrow, Milfoil
FI: Siankärsämö
JP: セイヨウノコギリソウ(ヤロウ)
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Open field with good sun light. moist but not dump ground. other shorter plants grows around it.
Note: Easy to spot by flower, ID by leaves. Leaves are used as herb, for tea or sprinkled on food.
LA: Artemisia vulgaris
EN: Mugwort
FI: Pujo
JP: ヨモギ近縁種
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Open field with good sun light. moist but not dump ground. other shorter plants grows around it.
Note: Behind the leaves is covered with fine fiver, which is used for making moxa.
LA: Urtica dioica
EN: Nettle
FI: Nokkonen
JP: セイヨウイラクサ
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Open field with good sun light. moist but not dump ground. other plants grows around it.
Note: entire plant is covered by tiny hair like stings. Contact on skin will give irritation. Leaves and seeds are edible. Fiver extracted from stem are very strong and used for making cordage and textile in primitive time.
EN: Wild strawberry
FI: Ahomansikka
JP: ワイルドストロベリー
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Sun light reaches, but not well. often seen on side of rode, but have also seen in the forest. moist but not dump ground. other plants of similar height grows around it.
Note: Fruit is edible and leaves can be made to tea. usually growing in cluster. Easy to ID by leaves, but even easier when fruits are in season.
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