LA: Tanacetum vulgare
EN: Knotgrass
FI: Pihatatar
JP: ミチヤナギ
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Open field with good sun light.Often seen on the side of the load. Relatively dry or good drainage ground. Usually seen in clustered.
Note: Edible plant, used in Vietnam for hot pot and soup.
LA: Trollius europaeus
EN: Globe Flower
FI: Kullero
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Enough sun light. Moist ground. Usually seen clustered. on the side of the load.
Note: Easily spotted by large cluster of yellow flower.
LA: Rubus idaeus
EN: Rasberry
FI: Vadelma
JP: ヨーロッパキイチゴ
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Enough sun light. edge of forest / Woods. Moist ground. Usually seen clustered.
Note: Easily spotted by large cluster and its berry. Fruits are edible and the leaves can be made to tea.
LA: Salix
EN: Willows
FI: pajut (sukuna)
JP: ヤナギ
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Enough sun light. Well moist or dump ground. Usually seen clustered by the water.
Note: Strong as fast growing tree. Leaved, bark and sam has medicinal usage. act as antipyretic and analgesic. the bark also makes strong cordage and the stem are used often on basket weaving.
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