EN: Labrador Tea
FI: Suopursu
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Damp ground to swamp. but closer to the tree.
Note: very easy to spot and ID by standing out cluster and leaves. also the leaves has distinctive aroma when mashed. This has/had several medicinal usages in old time. One of them is natural anti-moth for clothing. In the new world, this is used for making tea, but one is Finland is poisonous, so not recommended to use as such.
LA: Calluna vulgaris
EN: Heather, Ling
FI: Kanerva
JP: カルーナ属
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Damp ground to swamp.
Note: very easy to spot and ID by standing out cluster. This plant is quite dry and easily burns. but because the plant is very springy and dry, it makes very good bedding material. (<- Thanks to Weekend Woodsman for this tip!)
LA: Alchemilla
EN: Lady´s Mantle
FI: Poimulehdet
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Moist ground. above is covered by heavy canopy.
Note: low height plant but easy to spot by leaves.
EN: White Water-lilies
FI: Lumpeet (sukuna)
JP: スイレン科
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: In the small lake (pond) closer to the shore. The water has muddy bottom.
Note: Very easy to spot because of the large leaves and white flower on the water surface.
EN: Lingonberry / Cowberry
FI: PuolukkaJP: コケモモ
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: In the forest, moist ground.
Note: Easy to spot in the season by red berry and the plant makes large cluster. Berries are edible and leaves can be made to tea and has medicinal property. Berries are also known as natural preservative and used to store water.
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