EN: Bracken
FI: Sananjalka
JP: ワラビ
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Moist ground.
Note: very easy to ID in spring time when the leaves are still curled. ID by shape of leaves and orientation. Poisonous but edible by prepared by salt or soda. Curled sprout is delicacy in Japan and the can extract starch from root.
EN: Rufous milk-cap/Red-hot Milky
FI: Kangasrousku
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Needle leaf tree forest, The ground is covered with spagnum and well moist.
Note: When cut, it gives milky sap, this helps ID this mushroom from similar poisonous one. Edible, but recommended to boil once because of bitterness. Good for storing.
FI: Lehmäntatti
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Needle leaf tree forest. The ground is covered with spagnum and well moist
Note: very easy to spot because of its size. ID by back of pileus and stem. back of pileus has ivory color fine sponge. The stem is white but covered with black web like texture. Good edible mushroom.
EN: Stone Bramble
FI: Lillukka
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Open filed, but close to the forest tree line. Moist ground.
Note: Easy to spot when berries are in season. Edible berry.
EN: Common Reedmace / Common Cattail
FI: Leveä osmankäämi
JP: ガマ
Location: Tampere
Surrounding: Swamp or good water supply.
Note: Easy to spot because of its height and usually clustered also in late summer, it makes large spike on tip. This spike is a compressed floss. stem and root are edible raw or cooked.
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