Friday, March 30, 2012

タガネに挑戦中– Challenging the Metalworking Chisels

ネックナイフは木型作りが一段落し、後はほどに火を入れる時間を見つけるだけ。しかし、まだ一つだけ解決していないことが・・・ 銘と刻印・・・

The mockup making is now set and I have the knife designs for the neck knife project. But there is one thing really troubling me….  The Maker’s mark and its stamp.
It is something I never made before. Well I wanted one, but since I was making my knives only for my needs, I was lazy making one. But this time, that is not the case. It goes to someone and he wants it with the mark. So I sat front of my PC and started to design my Maker’s mark.
But soon I realized that all the designs I came up and like to use are unrealistic. It is too complicated to be a metal stamp. If I am etching, then the mark is fine. But then if I am making the forged finish blade, then I cannot use etching….


However, I will need the Metalworking Chisels for this stamp making, so have made set of basic ones. And have tried some name and figure curving on soft iron and steel.
Well.. It was a foolish attempt to write my name as a first try. I ended up with something that even does not look like letter…
Tried on something simpler…  a dragonfly figure.
After few tries, it starts to look something……


I think I need to change the chisel angle to much greater.  At this moment, the one I made is too shallow, so it bits in too deep and difficult to make clear line.
Well, I got time to practice, since I cannot come up with the good Maker’s mark…

Sunday, March 25, 2012

裏庭ブッシュクラフト - #03ベーシックスキル+ - 06ナイト・アウト




Friday, March 23, 2012

Neck Knives - ネックナイフ

It seems my mind is filled with neck knife project. Yesterday evening while I was watching TV on couch, those 4 mock ups were in my hand. I was checking the feeling of the shapes. Holding it in different carving and whittling grip techniques, try to imagine of using it on small game and fish preparation and skinning…
The plan No.1 really amazed me on this test. For some carving and whittling grip techniques, I felt little uncomfortableness due to recurvate of the handle butt. But nothing serious, I just need to adjust the holding a little to compensate.  I imagine that, if this was a full size, it should have no problem. Anyway, this type of issue is a characteristic of 3 finger handle.


One viewer of this blog has commented me of some idea. “What about Tosu knife”. Tosu knife is a kind of small utility knife or pen knife used in Japan and has very long history. Long- long time ago, it was functioned as utility knife but also as a part of dressing accessary among the high-class society.
In Later Samurai time, similar knife was popular to accompany Samurai sword, known as Kozuka-Kogatana (decorative small utility knife). 
On some point, I got very interested in making this type of blade and gave a try. Made it in desk top utility knife style. And now I look it again, I can see so many un-satisfactions on this knife….
However, The idea of Tosu knife as a neck knife would be interesting to try. Just … based on my previouse Kozuka-Kogatana making, to make this type of knife and make it look decent is a very difficult job. Not to mention that to make it usable one requires the skills, which I do not possess…. yet.



Kozuka-Kogatana knife I made some time ago…

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Neck Knives mockups

At the BCFIN meeting, something came up during the item trading.  The owner of Perkele´s Blog had this really nice vintage Wenger SAK.

 I was just looking for a SAK with saw blade on it, yet small as Victorinox tinker. This Wenger was just filling all I wished. But only items I had to offer was my DIY knives. So he came up with suggestion,  “What if I make him a neck knife with my brand stamped on it?”.  So here I am, start designing a neck knife for him…

On the way back from the BCFIN meet up, I was so happy about get to make knife for someone. So all I can think of was the design.  Japanese style?? Puukko style?? How would he be using?? How to make it so that it hangs nicely?? What about securing and releasing system??After a while, I came up with one idea, "I will go for a traditional Japanese hunters’ knife" called Matagi-Nagasa.

As soon as I got the initial idea, I picked up my whittling knife and started to make mockups … then carried away a bit.

As you can see, instead of making different version of No.2, I have made 4 completely different styles of mockups. I find it that designing neck knife is much more fun than designing full size. There are so many things I need to take it in considerations. Especially for the handle is the tricky part. I would like to keep the full size (original) design as much as possible, yet need to shrink down the size to 3 finger gripping.

No.1> Ainu-Makiri style: it is a design used among Japanese indigenous people call Ainu. They have 2 different types of traditional knives. One is called “Makiri” and the other one is called “Tashiro”. The difference is the capability/usage so the size/ shape. But the interesting thing about this Makiri and Tashiro blades are that these knives are very much alike of Puukko’s and Leuku’s in its size and function.

No.2>Matagi-Nagasa style: The original has a size of 25 to 30cm of blade length. Used by bear hunters in northern Japan. There are some variations on this style; some of them are fitted with socket handle. So when the time comes, the hunter can use the knife as a spear tip.
No.3> This is something I have been thinking of making it for myself as a neck knife. Tactical Sheep foot… :) if you want to call it some ways.
No.4> A Puukko but in neck knife size. Would be fun to make this size once.

So far, I am quite convinced with all these 4 designs. Personally, I am very much interested in Design No.1.  I will play around with the designs little more, and perhaps, I will make all of these.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012







 S.A. Wetterlingsのハチェットです。このスウェーデンの斧メーカー、1880年からこのブランド名で製造を始め、グレンスフォルシュ斧の知名度を受け、その斧を模倣し成長を続けてきました。2008年にはグレンスフォルシュに買収されてしまいましたが、現在でも鍛冶鍛造とドロップ・フォージの斧を作り続けています。

 そしてこのアイテムのお代なのですが、「新品のネックナイフを一本打ってくれ!」ということで商談成立。この日に私が持っていた自作ナイフ数本を見てかなり関心したらしく、「せっかくだから作者の銘の入った物が欲しい」ということで新しく1本作る事と為りました。地味にも初の注文品となります。しかも注文主はあのPerkele´s Blogの管理人、プレッシャーかかります。

キーホルダーとして使える火打金です。フィンランドの鍛冶屋ILKKA SEIKKUが、今回のオフ会の記念品として打った物、早速鍵束下げてみました。

ブッシュクラフトフィンランド仲間のブログでのストレステストレビューはこちら>>>Akiri's Blog

そしてレウクのレビューはこちら>>Perkele's Blog


それにしても、ネックナイフのデザインどうしよう・・・大きさはBRKのLittle creek位で、出来ればフルタングそして和テーストという注文。そして銘・・・黒打ちにするとエッチングできないから、刻印作る良い機会かも。

Monday, March 19, 2012

Bushcraft Finland Winter meet up - ブッシュクラフトフィンランド冬季オフ会

Last week end, I have participated the Bushcraft Finland winter meet up. There were 7 active members participated this meet up, including bmatt from The Weekend Woodsman, Finnman from Scandic Woodsman , Perkunas from Perkeles’ blog.
The weather was very much spring. Plus degrees, foggy/ sunny, but at night, the temperature has dropped somewhere -5 to -10 degrees centigrade.
The meeting took place in one of the public forest camping and trekking facility. Snowshoeing for about 2km from where we parked our cars. I was hauling about 5kg of shelter + sleeping equipment on the sledge, some are back packing.  By the time I have reached the meeting location, few members who has arrived has already been digging snow to make space for the shelter…

週末にブッシュクラフトフィンランドの冬季オフ会に参加してきました。参加者は7人、私のブログでも紹介したことのあるサイトの管理人The Weekend Woodsmanの bmatt、Scandic WoodsmanのFinnmanそして , Perkeles’ blog のPerkunas も参加です。

Quite easy walk, but foggy day. 

Snow cleaning to make space for shelter.

Lunch break after enough of snow digging.

A nice day shelter. We are not allowed to sleep in here, unless you get chicken of cold or in emergency situation.
The BCFIN issue snowshoe??

The shelters are up, some guys are going for a snow shelter.

no coment needed on this picture..

Thanks Finnman and Perkunas for demonstrating the original Finnish stove. the wisdom of Finnish woodsman.

And the sun goes down, night goes on… Fun time around the fire.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

美しいボトル その弐 – This bottole is a beauty


I have seen the bottle Sigg Steelw 0,6l retro drinking bottle with cup at shop. I thought it is a beauty. I never thought I find a bottle to be so beautiful and makes me want one so bad. But the price was 50 euro… this is too much, even for SIGG. And if I pay this much for this beautiful bottle, do I have courage to use it in real action?? Will I put that beautiful EXPENCIVE equipment on fire to boil water???? Probably not. So I could not buy it at that moment…
Well guess what, that bottle was waiting me at home yesterday!!????

What?? It looks dirty, old and different??? Yes, that is because this bottle is “Swiss canteen M32”, Swiss army surplus from 70s’ to 80s’. When I was looking at this bottle at Varusteleka site, I did not pay attention to detail.  Because it is looking good and cheap. But now I have it on my hand, I realized that the shape, size and the maker is exactly same as that beautiful bottle I saw at shop.
Checked from online and turned out that the Sigg Steelw 0,6l retro drinking bottle is a reproduction of this Swiss canteen M32.

 唯一の違いは栓と留め紐。この軍モデル(Swiss canteen M32)はコルクです。個人的に復刻版のプラ+ゴムパッキングの物よりも趣があって好きです。しかし長年の使用と保管による乾燥でスカスカ。留め紐は復刻版はレザー、こちらはコットン紐で、ボロボロ。早速この部分を修復します。

The difference between M32 and reproduction are the cap and lanyard. The M32 uses cork instead of plastic cap. I like cork cap better but the cork got too skinny to seal the bottle due to long time use and storing dried up. The lanyard is cotton string instead of leather. So I started to fix this.
First the cork. This cork is a proper old fashioned cork. Means punched out single piece cork, not the bound cork chips. So soaking in the boiling water for few min will bring this cap to original shape.

Then the lanyard. I would like to change it to some leather, but would like to use this bottle already on this weekend. I do not have enough time for leather craft now, so decided to replace it with new string.


Hmm... leather would look better, but now, this bottle is ready to be used. As you can see from the picture, the cork seals well just the half way of its length.
But seriously, I never thought I will be so excited about just a bottle. I found this bottle + cup set very attractive. It has been well used and has lots of scratches on it, yet it has a presence. Beautility perhaps? Whatever it is, I am in love with this equipment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Weekend lunch@private firepit. - 週末昼食@プライベートファイヤーピット

It was really nice sunny day last weekend. I guess the spring is really on its way.
While I was doing some yard work, I suddenly got desire of grilling sausages.
But the day like this, the public forest with fire pit locations are filled with people. Going there with 3 dogs to have relaxing time is impossible. So, decided to make our private fire pit on back yard.
Dug some snow out, made bench out of snow and Spruce branches, place griller and done!

Bring out some camp equipment and start grilling. If forget about the back ground, this feels like we are in the forest:)

It is at home, no one will bother us, so the dogs are also relaxed.

This snow bench was really good idea. Especially on the end of winter, when we have more warm sunny days, this will gives us a place to hang around to enjoy the sun.  I wonder how come I did not do this before...

Friday, March 9, 2012

EDC for the Haters

So, there is a channel which I am keeping my eyes on. It is a YouTube channel of “Jake Knapp”.
He is a talented videographer and also singer – song writer who has posted mind blowing EDC rap.
There are 3 of the EDC songs uploaded at this moment. And the latest one is really great work. Fun on visual and lyric.
Even you are not EDC / tactical / knife lovers, I am sure you will enjoy all of those 3 videos.  So I would like to share it in here for you to check it out! Also check out other videos he has, coz it is really fun to watch.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Breakfast in Woods - 森で朝食を

On weekend, one early morning, I have decided to go for a forest walk. Last weekdays were really hectic so wanted some relaxing Woods’ time. I decided to have breakfast in the woods.
We have had very warm days lately, so the top snow was quite hard. But if I take my snowshoe out, one step, I sank knee deep. Snow condition like this, you really feel the benefit of having snowshoe.

For the tarp setup video making purpose, put up the poncho. Found fallen Spruce tree, so took some branches to make nice sitting place.

While the master is on break, the dogs stand guard the perimeter. The correct behavior of sheep dogs.

一番の若造は高台より。The youngest one takes the high ground.

二番目は本営のすぐ横を。Second in command guards besides the camp.
そしてボス犬は・・・主の横。And the BOSS... she stays by master.

 完璧な警戒態勢・・・?? This is quite perfect formation... don’t you think?

Had relaxing breakfast, pack up the setups, then head back to home.
On the way back, I have found tiny spring shouting out its whereabouts.  It still is cold, but for sure, the spring is near.

Monday, March 5, 2012

100 sub-Giveaway Result! プレゼント企画・当選者発表!

Thank you to everyone who has participated this, and also thank you to all who has putting this event mentioned on their blogs.
This was really fun and nice for me that I got to see comments of people who have not commented on my upload before. Also got chance on starting communicating some of you how are watching my uploads.
Thanks again for your support and here comes the giveaway result!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Busy ビジー

It really is a busy this week at work. When reaching home on the end of the day, I am exhausted…
Tiny bit of walk in the forest will help relaxing but even that is not that easy on week days….


So just looking at som pictures on PC...